Windom Community Council (WCC)
Home Security Rebate Program
Thank you for your interest in our program.
The program has concluded.
We were able to provide 20 Windom residencies with over $10,000 in home security equipment financial support to help keep homes safe across Windom.
Please stay tuned for more information on our new Windom Safety Initiative coming in 2022.
Neighborhood Safety Tips
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Due to the increase of carjacking events within Minneapolis during the past several months, the Department of Violence Prevention reminds everyone to be aware of your surroundings at all times!
Avoid being a carjacking target with these additional precautions:
Always have your mobile phone handy—and charged.
Avoid being alone in your vehicle in certain areas, such as high crime neighborhoods, isolated roads and intersections and desolate areas of parking lots.
Be aware of your surroundings. Pay special attention to people who seem to be lurking or cars that suspiciously follow you into driveways. Call 911 and use your key fob or other car alarm if you feel a threat.
Be wary of how carjackers lure victims. These include bumping your car, pretending to be stranded motorists or flashing their lights as if there were something wrong with your car. In each of these scenarios, you might be tempted to pull over—only to have your car taken. Stay inside with the windows shut and the door locked and, if you feel a threat, drive to the nearest police or fire station.
Practice safe parking. Stick to well-lit areas. If you have any doubts about where you parked after the fact, find a security guard to accompany you to your vehicle.
Don't sit in your car with the door unlocked or the windows rolled down.
Don’t stop at isolated ATMs, which might put you and your bank accounts as well as your car in danger.