Windom Neighborhood Turf to Alternative Garden Tour
Sponsored by the Windom Community Council and Mayflower Church
Saturday Morning, July 23, 2022
9 AM to 12-Noon
This is a Free and Self-Guided Tour
​Welcome to the 2022 Windom Alternative Garden Tour!!
This year, in addition to our annual participating neighborhood alternative full-grown gardens,
we are also featuring our 2021 Nature Friendly Windom Rain Garden / Bioswale Program participants and their NEWLY planted gardens. We will have two Master Gardeners in attendance.
We have a few ways to access our two garden tour lists (Full-Grown & Newly Planted)
To visit each site using Interactive Google Map, click here! or
with your smart phone or e-tablet, scan the QR code below
Download and print the two lists by clicking the two links below:
2022 Alternative Garden Participant List
2021 Windom Rain Garden / Boulevard Bioswales List